Flame- Wild Hearts Page 14
“You’re late,” my father scolds as I pass the keys to the parking attendant. He was waiting for me by the stairs of the banquet hall. He follows me now, glancing at his watch again.
“I know. Sorry. There was a problem with one of the horses that needed to be fixed.”
With no comment, he gives me a look that’s supposed to shame me. That works on Lex still but it stopped working on me years ago.
Opening the double metal doors, we walk into the hall’s entry, which is filled with crystal chandeliers and marble flooring, the soft cream walls hung with spectacular paintings from artists around the world. The grandeur of it could easily make one feel inadequate. Off the entry there are seven large chambers used for special events, while the rest of the rooms are used for meetings by companies around the area or government officials.
The room tonight’s event is being held in has three entrances. One leads to a grand staircase that allows you to make one hell of an entrance, the second leads out to the gardens, and the third allows entrance to the room on the ground floor, making it appear that one has been there the whole night. That’s the entrance we’ll take. The only saving grace of the evening was that Ben would be forced to come as well, as Megan’s date. He could be tortured with me.
My father stops me with a hand to my chest and advises, “I have people that I want to introduce you to tonight. They’ve already asked me where you are, but I made an excuse for you. Now I need to speak to the mayor, but I’ll need you in a few moments. Understood?”
Without waiting for a reply, he heads in the direction of Mayor Lew Walz. The good mayor looks to be in deep conversation with the police chief, while his wife looks as if she’d rather be anywhere else. Lew married her two years ago. It was a scandal because she’s twenty years younger than him.
The conversation would flow like the champagne this evening. Loose and quick. From the looks of the conversation my dad’s having with Lew, I won’t have much time to enjoy myself. While the money goes to a great cause, rubbing elbows isn’t my favorite pastime, though my father believes it should be because I normally get good sponsors and connections from these functions.
Back to business. Time to find Ben and Megan. Cole waves me over from the side of the room.
“What’s new with you? I saw the race last weekend. Great job,” he says as I reach him.
“Hey, man. Good to see you.” Quickly we shake hands. “Nothing new with me. Same shit, different day. Been traveling and training a bunch. I’m happy to see you.”
Cole takes a sip of his red wine. “Good to see you. How’s Lex?”
“She’s good. Hardly ever see her with our schedules.”
Cole’s eyes are caught by something behind me. Probably a pretty face. He can look and listen at the same time. Hopefully.
“How long are you home for?”
Cole and I have known each other for years and have been close friends since high school. He created some apps that have made him a multimillionaire in his own right. Even in school, he had a knack for business. He travels often. “Cole,” I prompt.
“Who is that?” Cole nods behind me and I turn to see what’s captured his attention. My jaw drops as I take in Danny in a long flowing grown. The skirt showing off her long legs gives me ideas of sliding the dress off her body. Her hair is twisted up and held with petal clips, catching the light and reflecting it back. She’s laughing at something Megan’s said to her, her head moving from the force of it. She stands out in this crowd in the best way possible. I have the sudden need to make her laugh like that. To make her smile with such excitement and happiness with me.
My feet begin to move towards them without my consent. Cole calls after me but I wave him off. Her laugh calls to me.
But Danny’s suddenly blocked from view as Nicole appears in front of me like a hawk hunting a mouse. My feet are forced to stop.
“Liam, I was wondering when you’d arrive. Your dad said you were coming. We were talking earlier about how our families need to take a trip together sometime soon. I suggested the Caribbean. You remember how you and I had talked about going there together.”
My eyes are still fixed on Danny over her shoulder as she listens to Megan. Nicole’s face hovers in front of my eyes. “Liam, did you hear me?” Her voice is tight with annoyance.
Not taking my eyes off Danny, I say, “Nicole, this is something we can talk about later if you want,” and I step around her as she releases an angry huff. Her eyes burn into my back, but I don’t stop till I’m standing in front of Danny. Her eyes move over me, questioning why I’ve appeared in front of her.
“Hi, Liam. I didn’t realize that my topic of roller coasters would be so fascinating that you’d basically run across the room to listen.”
My eyes leave Danny’s, swinging towards Megan. “What?”
“Well you jogged here, and I can only assume it was for my fascinating story about the time I threw up on the roller coaster at Holiday World. Or was there another reason you ran here?” Megan asks with a knowing smile.
Danny looks between us, now trying to hide her smile by bringing the glass to her lips before saying, “It is a fascinating story.”
Gathering my wits, I form the words to say, “I believe I know that story. I got the joy of being next to her on the ride. The guy in front of us had a toupee on his head. When she was sick, it landed on his head, knocking the toupee off. Hell of a ride.”
Megan turns around, trying to hold in her laughter, her hands clutching her sides, but Danny doesn’t make any such attempt, causing eyes to glance her way. She doesn’t seem to notice. Megan gets a hold of herself finally and turns back around.
“Yes, that did happen. I’ve tried to wipe that part of the story from my mind.” Looking at Danny, she says, “We got off the ride, and he scooped the rest of the puke from his now bald head and says, ‘That was a $100 hairpiece. I hope your lunch was worth that.’ And he walked away. I felt terrible.”
She looks back to me before continuing, “For some reason, I feel that you didn’t come over here to talk about that. Good news for you: I need another drink. I’ll allow you to keep my date company for a few minutes while I go get one.” She wags her finger towards me. “Remember, she comes home with me.” With that she pulls an unsuspecting Danny towards her and kisses her on the cheek, then heads in the direction of the bar.
I continue to stare at Danny without a word, and she raises an eyebrow in question. Yes, words would be useful right now. My normal charm has gone out the window this evening, it seems.
“How did Megan talk you into coming this evening? Usually she drags Ben as her date.”
“She asked him to wear a dress and heels and he refused. That left me as the obvious choice.”
“I will say that you’re much more attractive in that dress than Ben would ever be.” My eyes once more travel down the length of her body.
“You think so? I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to pull off the shoes as well as him,” she says, glancing down at them in mock consideration.
I have to say I’m enjoying our banter. “Granted, I’d have to see Ben in them to give a definitive answer, but as of now I’m going to say that you wear them better.”
Taking a breath, I try to calm my sudden nerves. “I’m happy you came tonight. I’ve been meaning to text you, but every time I type something, I end up deleting it because it doesn’t sound right.”
“You hope saying it in person is easier?” Danny asks, taking a sip from her glass, but I can see the tension set in across her body.
“Probably not, but you’re in front of me now and I have no excuse. Here it goes. Danny, what I told you about my mom I’ve never told anyone. I don’t know why I told you, but something about you makes me want to tell you everything. I’m drawn to you like I’ve never been drawn to another woman. I think you feel something like that as well.”
Danny looks away, no longer meeting my eyes, and I know she feels it but doesn’t want to admit it. Her eyes watch
the others in the room as she nods towards Nicole. “What about Nicole?” she asks.
“What about her? We’ve been over for a while. Even before we broke up, we were over. Danny, listen, I…”
“Liam,” my father barks from behind me. “I want to introduce you to someone.”
“I’ll be right over,” I say, more calmly than I feel.
“No—now,” he commands again.
I turn around to face him, sternly saying, “I said I would be over in a minute.”
He knows I didn’t want to come here tonight and be paraded around like one of his show horses. I came because I was trying to keep the peace and I know this is important to him, even though he would never say that. However, I needed to finish this conversation with Danny, and I won’t have my father be rude. I also want him to get away from Danny before he says anything to offend her. I could see him saying something about Nicole.
When we broke up, I thought my father was going to have a heart attack. He has his sights set on our marriage, seeing as how he’s always wanted to get into business with her father. He could never quite manage it on his own, but through marriage, he believes he would have a better chance. Plus, Nicole and her family represent everything he cares about. Image, power, money. None of which I care about.
His eyes grow colder, but he doesn’t voice a reaction; instead, thankfully, he walks away. I turn back to face Danny and try to gauge her reaction to the scene.
“Your dad?” she asks, nodding at his retreating back.
“Yes. I would have introduced you but honestly, he’s not the nicest.” That’s one way of putting it.
She nods understanding. I continue where I left off. “What I’m trying to say is that I want to see where this feeling between us goes. If you want to.”
She steps back, as her fingers start to move nervously. “Honestly I don’t think that’s such a great idea. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be here for. I’ve stayed longer than I intended.” She bites her lower lip. “But against my better judgment, I also feel it and want to see where it goes.”
Yes, my mind screams. I can’t hold back my grin. I want to stay and talk with her, but I know my time is running out. “I want to take you somewhere tomorrow night.”
“Where and why?” she asks.
“Because I see you when you think no one is watching. For some reason you can see me too. I understand you don’t trust easily. It’s hard for me to trust as well, but I want to trust you. I’m not explaining this well.” Closing my eyes quickly I try to rein in my thoughts, which are going a mile a minute. I take a breath and then continue. “We have to start somewhere. Take a chance and let me prove myself to you. Until then I’m making it my job to bust my ass to prove that I’m worthy of your trust.”
The whole time I speak I can see thoughts circling in her mind. For the first time in a long time I wish I could read minds.
“As for the where, it’s a surprise,” I say, trying to lighten up the mood.
“What’s a surprise?” Megan asks, appearing with her now-full glass.
“I’m not telling either of you.”
Megan gives me a look that says she’ll be calling me later to grill me for information. Danny looks like she’s trying her best to read my mind.
“As much as I’d like to stay and talk with you two for the rest of the night, I have to go, but I’ll try to see you before the night ends.” I kiss Megan on the cheek and say, “Don’t have too much—you’d hate to have to call Ben to bail you out.”
“Ha ha. You’ll be the one I call tonight,” she says, squeezing my arm.
Watching Liam leave, I can’t help the butterflies that enter my stomach from both excitement and nervousness. I can’t help but enjoy the way Liam looks at me—like I’m the most stunning person in the room. Not just tonight but all the other times I’ve caught him looking at me when he thinks no one will notice. What he said—what was I going to do about that? I need to be careful not to get too used to that feeling; get too attached to him my mind screams at me, though another part of me wants to take a chance.
“He likes you, you know,” Megan says, nodding in Liam’s direction.
I don’t respond. I like him too but know the more entangled I get, the harder it will be to leave. I don’t know what possessed me to agree to go out with him again, but after he walked away, I pulled my cell out and typed a quick yes to him. After all these years, you’d think I would learn that everyone leaves. Sometimes it’s easier to be the one to leave first. But I already have the desire to be near him again.
The night passes quickly. After one drink too many, Megan and I leave the event just before it wraps up and call Ben to pick us up. We walk a few streets from the building because Ben said it would be easier to meet there to avoid the traffic of everyone leaving at the same time.
We stop at McDonald’s and wait in the parking lot. A minute later, Megan decides she has to go to the bathroom, leaving me in the open air thinking back on the night. If I think too hard about my decision to say yes to Liam’s offer, I’ll back out.
The chill in the air raises the hair on my arms, and I move my hands up and down them to try and warm up. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a car roll into the parking lot, but instead of parking by the lights, they choose to park in the darker area of the lot. Weird.
My eyes move to a figure in a red dress, moving quickly towards the car. What the hell? Nicole? What’s Nicole doing here, still in her gown from the event? Squinting, I watch as the driver rolls down the passenger window and Nicole squats down to speak to the driver. After a few words are exchanged, she reaches into her designer bag, pulling something out with her fist clutched. Quickly she hands it to the driver. Then Nicole’s hands return to her bag, dropping whatever the driver gave her inside.
Nicole looks around the empty parking lot. She must feel relief until she catches me watching the exchange. What I thought may have been one or two times is now clearly a habit for her. Her eyes meet mine as the driver rolls up the window once more and pulls off into the night, then she straightens her back and begins to walk towards me with all the confidence in the world. We both know what I saw, but as with most people that have something to hide, she has to give an excuse and try to hide.
Her feet march until she’s in front of me. “I don’t know what you saw, but it’s not what you think.”
I almost feel sorry for her. As much as she tries to hide it, her eyes show desperation. As if she can’t wait to get her next hit, but she dreads it at the same time.
“What do you think I saw?” I ask.
She opens her mouth to speak but shuts it just as quickly. “You’re right. You saw nothing.”
She turns to walk away, but I can’t help the words that fall from my lips. “Nicole.” She stops but doesn’t turn back around. “It’s not something you’re going to be able to fix on your own.”
“You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.” With that, she walks away as if she had never been there.
Moments later, Megan emerges from the McDonald’s with two large sodas. “What did I miss?” she asks.
Chapter Twenty
Darkens swirls around us on all sides as Liam turns off the car’s headlights. The air kisses my skin with warmth as I slip from the air-conditioned car, stars the only light. Trees stand tall and secure as they have done for centuries, making me feel small in their presence. Liam walks to my side of the car, holding out his hand, and our fingers link together for more warmth. Under one arm, he has a large red blanket. In his other hand, he holds two red Solo cups and a bottle of wine.
“This place is breathtaking.”
Liam nods. “It really is. Lex and I would come here all the time with our parents growing up. I haven’t been here in years, but I wanted to show you. There are no lights for miles, so the stars seem brighter—and there are more of them.”
A few meters fr
om the car, Liam stops, handing me the cups and wine before folding out the fuzzy blanket.
“My lady,” he says, motioning that I should sit. Placing the cups and wine on the edge of the blanket, I lie down, enjoying the feel of the earth underneath my body, separated only by the blanket. The stars twinkle, almost appearing to dance in the sky, and I feel Liam’s body swiftly lying down next to me.
“It makes you feel small out here, doesn’t it?”
I nod, still mesmerized by the stars. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this many stars. Thank you for bringing me.”
“Of course.”
I have to ask, but I don’t want to ruin the moment. “Did you bring Nicole here?” I try to sound as if I don’t care, but it comes out more like a growl.
“No. Outside was never her thing, and this place… I think I was saving it for someone special. I was never going to bring Nicole here—she’d never have been able to appreciate the simplicity and I really haven’t been here in years. Lots of memories of my family.”
“Tell me some.”
In the darkness, I can feel him tense, but he complies.
“One of the first times my dad took us here, he brought this one tiny tent, and we all had to fit in it. Mom called it family bonding time. I can still feel Lex kicking me and hogging the blankets. But for the night into the morning, they told us stories; some were about how they met while others were random things that came to them on the spot. Dad brought a flashlight and made light puppets of rabbits and other animals on the tent wall. Lex and I would have to guess what they were and whoever was quickest would win the round.”
I can sense him swallowing hard.
“It was a night I’ll never forget.” He clears his throat. “Now it’s your turn.”
This is what I get for putting him in the hot seat. I think for a second and then say, “A Sunday a month we would make a fort in the family room. My mom, James, and I. Each time would be a little different. We could eat all kinds of junk food. Popcorn, candy, chips. Mom would let us pick what we wanted to do. We could draw, watch movies, play games, but whatever it was, we all had to do it together. James and I were horrible drawers, but mom would put each piece we did on the fridge. At one point, we could hardly open it.”